Venus Legacy 1O PACK

Venus Legacy 1O PACK

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Introducing the strongest, fastest, deepest, and largest hand-piece in the industry to clinically help body issues such as cellulite, loose skin, and circumference reduction.

Using an innovative synthesis of magnetic pulse and radio frequency (RF), Venus Legacyʼs deep skin penetration ensures exponentially improved clinical effectiveness and produces clearly visible results that other therapies can not reach. In a series of comfortable and enjoyable Venus Legacy treatments, you can have a smoother, firmer, and slimmer figure.


Venus Legacy utilizes a patented technology that combines both multi polar radio frequency (RF) along with pulsed magnetic fields (MP)². Venus Freezeʼs (MP)2 technology uses a dense energy matrix which penetrates multiple layers of skin, heating uniformly from the inside out. By increasing tissue temperature, FGF-2 hormone activity is enhanced, and triglycerides located in the fat cells are broken down and fatty acids freed from the fat cells. In this way, volume can be reduced (producing circumferential reduction). The blood flow in the treated area is improved, enhancing the skinʼs tone and texture. Vitamins, minerals and oxygen are carried more easily to the cells, and toxins and waste materials are removed. Skin tightening is another result of the Venus Legacy treatment, as tiny new blood vessels are formed in the treatment areas and dermal fibroblasts are created; fibroblasts then increase the number of collagen and elastin fibers. New collagen and elastin creation results in tighter skin and filling in of wrinkles/wrinkle reduction